sea-friendly seafood 

Hooked Foods is a Swedish company that has invented a high-protein, plant-based seafood. If the entire world transitioned to eating plant-based sea- food, and Hooked was the sole supplier, they would reduce global CO2 emissions by 3%, which is equivalent to the annual CO2 emissions of 272 coal-powered power plants. 


Conventional solutions to the dwindling supply of wild fish and seafood include aquaculture (fish farming), land-based fish farming, and more. 


The strongest competitor in their sub- category is the U.S.-based Good Catch. Although Hooked does not identify them as a direct competitor, they do share mutual goals. 

Hooked Foods currently offers a plant-based tuna. In March 2021, Hooked launched the plant-based tuna at Hawaii Poké, Mahalo, and Kaiso. 

Hooked’s goal is to provide the world with a wide range of healthy, environmentally friendly, high-protein seafood. Hooked Foods will soon be releasing an Omega-3 enriched salmon substitute. 

Investors include Pluscap, Big Idea Ventures, Kale United, ProVeg International, and Katapult Ocean, among others. 

What differentiates Hooked from their competitors is that their products con- tain a high amount of protein, as well as the fact that they can be used in a wide variety of dishes, such as pasta, pizza, salads, bowls, sushi, and wraps. 

One of the challenges the company faces is to educate consumers about the environmental and health challenges facing the seafood industry and why plant- based alternatives are so important. 


Founded in: 2019
Founded by: Tom Johansson (CEO), Emil Wasteson (COO), and Peter Liu (CTO)
Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden
Employees 2021: 6
Privately Owned Revenue 2020: 263 000 SEK FROM GRANTS

Visit the website of Hooked Foods at:

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With the Sustainability report, we want to recognise companies that not only have a great innovation or solution that has a significant impact on lowering CO2 emissions, but also have put in place measures to scale and commercialise.

The companies in the report have been thoroughly researched by the Megadeals team through interviews with highly ranked profiles within the organisations.

The key principle is that only when the great sustainability innovations scale and commercialise they can create a deep impact and the world a better place.

Why is this important? We simply don't have time to wait.