All (yes in this case all) #sustainability scaleups that...

All (yes in this case all) #sustainability scaleups that...

- Need a yes from many functional areas
- Need a yes from many hierachical levels
- Sell something complex
- Sell something that enters a mix of interfacing technologies and processes on the customer side...

...have a #rainmaker dependency (often 1 or 2 individuals that are pivotal when selling).

Quite often one commercial rainmaker and one technical rainmaker.

These cases struggle to grow by adding more and more sales people or partners.

Instead they need to:

1. Take away all unnecessary tasks from the rainmakers
2. Scale the reach of the rainmakers with videos and media presence (organic and paid)
3. Replace whole meetings or parts of meetings throughout the decision journey with videos (based on a large deal specific positioning and messaging)
4. Train the organisation on how to maximise the teamsell (complex deals are a teamsport)
5. Train the next generation of #rainmakers

This is what we at Megadeals Advisory help organisations with from Malaysia to San Diego, Israel, India, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Finland, Sweden etc.

We do both the #Gotomarket and #orchestration design and we play different roles in the actual execution.

Have you seen many examples of companies with #rainmakers that make a huge difference?

// Christopher Engman