From #selling to #orchestrating - requires an entirely different sales and marketing logic

From #selling to #orchestrating - requires an entirely different sales and marketing logic.

When you can gather your stakeholders around a table and rely on your sales and negotiation skills to win business, it tends to be more midsize and transactional in nature. Often smaller deals sizes and budgets are needed. Anchoring decisions across a hierarchy, functions och countries isn’t necessary. What you are selling and marketing tends to be not too complex, and the technical environment on the client’s side to implement is relatively straightforward. In these scenarios, the salesperson’s skill is highly dependent on winning the business. Marketing’s role is centered predominantly around generating qualified leads and automating large flows of potential opportunities. The name of the game is a conversation and low cost of sales.

The #sales and #marketing logic is entirely different when selling into an ecosystem of stakeholders inside and outside the client’s organisation; decisions need to be anchored across hierarchy, multiple functions and countries. You are selling and marketing at minimum, a relatively complex offering, and the client’s technical environment is also fairly complex.

”Selling” alone is no longer enough, you are selling and marketing as team into a team of stakeholders on the client’s side.

The name of the game here is driving consensus and allocating the recourses required to win fewer deals that make up the largest part of your revenue and profits.

It’s not about keeping acquisition costs low. It’s about winning the handful of transformative deals for your business. This requires a different logic.

// Bora Brännström