Where I went wrong in deal orchestration

Where I went wrong in deal orchestration🤷🏻‍♂️

When I was running sales teams back in the days I made a mistake that hampered the scaling of my rainmakers. I ran account review meetings only with my sales team (without marketing). This creates silos between sales and marketing. By running joint sales meetings with marketing they are involved in the account review, get insights on where in the sales cycle the accounts are, which stakeholders are involved etc. If you have also developed a consistent messaging there is an alignment on which message needs to be get accross, which key ”title fights” are in play with the stakeholders in your accounts.

Marketing can then ”power” the Ironwomen and man suites distributing the right message to the relevant stakeholder given where the account is in the sales cycle. The objective is to anchor decisions accross the complex ecosystem (hierarchy, functions and geography).

These joint meetings are also a forum to indentify messaging and content gaps which are then created by marketing to enable the scaling of the rainmakers.

We call these joint account review meetings ”Land and Expand” meetings. We run them ourselves and for our clients bi weekly. They consist of 3 sections,

1️. Review each star account (with the account owner) and the account intelligence around the account.
2️. Current content and gaps.
3️. Account KPI’s

Land & Expand is the engine room that enables a #dealcentric approach to deal orchestrating. It enbales rainmakers to use the ”suite” and marketeers to power it.

How do you align your account reviews between sales and marketing?